Our Founders

Founder- Dr. Divya Dixit

Bachelor's in Homeopathy, Founder Dixit Superspeciality Homeopathy Clinic.
PG(NAHI) Gold Medalist

Dr. Divya Dixit, an eminent homoeopath, known state and nation wise as a true follower and a rational healer,is born and brought up in Doctor’s family, did her bachelor’s in homeopathy from Indore in 2002 from Rajeev Gandhi HMC, DAVV Indore.

After this just to brush up her knowledge more and to deal with the practical aspect same year, she joined Dr. Kasim Chimthanawala’s for her post graduation from the National Academy of Homoeopathy and passed with flying colors. 

She was awarded Gold Medal for her excellence and also was the youngest to receive Dr. S.M. Tate Award for excellence in homeopathy. She was appointed as a junior consultant to Dr. cure’s homeopathy New Delhi, where she shared her experience for 2 years and thereafter joined Dr. Batra’s positive health clinic New Delhi as a Sr. Consultant and was there for 2 years, after which she started her own chain of clinics by the name of Dr. Dixit’s with branches in Gwalior. With an experience of 10 years in this field , she is a true follower and her aim is to spread awareness about health and homoeopathy.

She added more laurels to her career when she did her studies in child health and obs/Gynae , and was awarded Dr. Yudhveer Singh Award by Delhi State Government for contribution to homoeopathy. An eminent writer with her articles in National Journal has bought a new approach to homoeopathy by giving it a scientific mode.

Co-Founder- Mrs. Pooja Joshi

Graduate from Lucknow University, Prolong experience of herbal, natural cosmetics

Mrs Pooja Joshi homemaker & business expert specially in beauty products,
she completed her graduation from Lucknow University, prolong experience of herbal, natural cosmetics, with very very less amount of chemicals, now ready to share her meaningful experience with her dedicated partner, women health enterprineur & well known Doctor by profession in Homeopathy Dr. Divya Dixit.
Plzz be ready for all new concept in women beauty products as well as for sophisticated clothing & high demanded jwellery.